București, București




Domeniu de activitate: - Constructii Civile, Industriale si Agricole. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eng. PREDA (UK Civil Engineer certified) - Wood, Steel, Concrete Structures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORR Wing is delivering the right complete construction solutions for civil or industrial building investments; We are covering exactly the investors’ / client’s needs, supplying: - Land acquisition support for Greenfield investments; - Legal construction permits, project management & construction management; - Defining and optimization of the building’s fit-out standards; - Space planning, works procurement, cost estimations and costs optimisation; - Complete Design (wood structures, concrete structures or civil steel structures - including foundations, architecture, installations); - Financial offers, representing the owner in front of tenants with regards to all technical matters throughout the offering; - Civil steel frame, concrete structure and wood (timber frame, CLT and Glulam) systems: procurement, site deliveries and erection; - Complete metallic solution systems for Building’s envelope (walls & roof): site deliveries and execution; - Complete installations: HVAC, electrical, sewage, others; - Complete execution – subcontractors contracting & site supervision; - Complete guaranties provider; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL ESTATE EXPOSURE Individually, I'm making project management for small Real Estate Developments, applying a full service model: 》offering all the services to an investor to purchase land until the project starts to make money. ° I take care of everything, lending, valuations, contracts administration, cost management, construction, inspection, marketing, financing, rental of offices or selling apartments, development of industrial or agricultural projects, solar and wind energy plants, everything in his name. ° Beneficiary comes to me with the thought of investing in a real estate project. I propose a business plan based on budget, location and diverse range of technical solutions, and then we agree on all things in his name, including the bank procedures. ° The investor does not have to do anything, just to agree with the business plan prepared and I work from morning to night, to make the plan work. I take care to fulfill all my engagements and I guarantee the best results belong to every partnership established. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSTRUCTION EXPOSURE 》 15+ years of significant exposure in Site Supervision and Project Management of large and complex developments, working with Real Estate investors from various countries. 》 As Project Manager, the key responsibility of my actions, working with my team (including Architects, Engineers, Subcontractors, Site workers) was projects delivery, covering: Scope, Schedule, Resources, Revenue Cash Collection, Cost Control, Quality Control, Site Supervision, Report & Order, Negotiation, Contracts Administration, Customer management, Project Team Leadership, Scope Management 3rd party, Communication plan, Meetings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ° Being an experienced Site Supervisor with managerial mindset, I’m a veritable technical consultant, negotiator and communicator, having excellent skills and ability to empathize with client needs.


Construcție casă la roșu
Construcție casă la cheie
Instalații termice
Finisaje pardoseli și pereți
Compartimentări interioare
Garduri și porți
Pregătirea terenului
Racordări utilități
Management de proiect
Diriginte de șantier
Întocmire documentaţie
Supraveghere execuție construcție
Inspecții și întreținere
Instalaţii electrice
Instalaţii sanitare
Consultanță achiziție teren
Servicii de arhitectură
Adaptări proiecte
Supervizare lucrări de construcții
Asistență în obținerea autorizației de construire
Proiecte individuale
Proiectare instalații
Proiectare structuri
Amenajări exterioare
Proiecte de reamenajare
Proiecte de eficientizare energetică
Proiectare de urbanism
Audit energetic
Design interior
Proiectare casă


București, București 1000km

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Detaliile proiectului tău

  • Localizează-mă
  • București
  • Cluj-Napoca
  • Iași
  • Constanța
  • Oradea
  • Sibiu
  • Brașov
  • Satu Mare
  • Târgu-Jiu
  • Rosu

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